With your support KLT contributes to enhancing water quality in the Kawarthas. We achieve this through the protection of water-related ecosystems.
Four new KLT properties now protect wetlands. The Partners in Conservation project protects water quality in the Fleetwood Creek Watershed.
Christie Bentham Wetland

Last year, KLT undertook a special campaign to buy a property south of Burleigh Falls. This is the first time KLT has purchased a property as all our other properties have been donated. Community support of this project enabled KLT to buy the property before the end of 2020! The property is named after long-time Stony Lake community member Christie Bentham.
This 137-acre property features over 366 meters of natural, undisturbed waterfront on Clear Lake. The Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) on the property contributes to the water quality of surrounding Bays and Clear Lake. It also provides vital habitat for breeding fish, birds, and Species at Risk.

The McWilliams property was also donated in 2020. This property is next to the Christie Bentham Wetland. It is where the PSW empties into Stony Lake.
The Keppler Nature Sanctuary
The Keppler Nature Sanctuary contains a large wetland. It also has a mixed canopy forest, permanent streams, and vernal pools. This 296-acre property is next to 600 acres of Crown land.
A wetland network, which is part of the Crowe River Watershed, is protected on this property.

Wetlands on the property include graminoid meadow marshes and forested swamps. Approximately 566 meters of permanent streams flow through the North-Western corner of the property. The streams feed into the surrounding seasonally flooded meadow marshes.
A large, recently dewatered beaver pond occupies the North East corner of the property. These significant features provide critical habitat for many Species at Risk!
van Nostrand Property

The van Nostrand property is located on the shoreline of Rice Lake at the mouth of the Indian River. This is one of the three major river systems in the Otonabee Region watershed.
The entire property is a mixture of different types of wetland. The majority is coastal wetland dominated by cattail marsh. This area is a needed refuge for many wildlife species.
The land contains more than 2650 meters of shoreline along Rice Lake and the Indian River. It is an important corridor of connectivity.
Partners in Conservation: Fleetwood Creek Watershed

The lands and waters of the Fleetwood Creek watershed are some of the most important in our region. KLT has a Partners in Conservation project in the Fleetwood Creek watershed. The project assists private landowners. It works to improve and protect the environmental health of their properties.
This work involves the development of site-specific landscape analysis and stewardship guides. The analysis deepens their understanding of the natural features on their property. The guides recommend steps landowners can take to protect and improve the land and water. KLT assists with land stewardship planning and connects landowners with other available resources.
Since 2018, 11 landowners have participated in this initiative. This project expands KLT’s conservation and restoration efforts by 1,000 acres. The work is improving aquatic connectivity and habitat diversity.
This work would not be possible without volunteers, supporters, and partnerships. KLT would like to thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation for its support of the Partners in Conservation Project.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’a leading granting foundations. OTF awarded $108 million to 629 projects last year to build healthy and vibrant communities in Ontario.
Posted March 1, 2021.