Conservation Opportunities

You can make a difference today.

With your support, Kawartha Land Trust is protecting the natural and working lands of the Kawarthas for future generations. We can never predict when the opportunity to save more land from unsustainable development will occur — when a natural gem of the Kawarthas will go up for sale. However, through your generous gifts, we can act fast and protect even more of the land you love. 

Here is a list of current KLT conservation projects that you can support: 

Jeffrey-Cowan Forest Preserve Extension

Ston(e)y Lake

With your support, KLT can expand the protected lands of KLT’s Jeffrey-Cowan Forest Preserve and safeguard natural shoreline on Ston(e)y Lake.

Learn more about this project and how you can support it by the September 6, 2024, deadline. September 3rd Update: This campaign was a success! We’ll be sharing more details in the coming days. Thank you for protecting the land you love. We could not have done it without your support.

Natural shoreline

750 Acres of Forest


You can help protect 750 acres of forest in Peterborough County that’s directly adjacent Peterborough County Forest. 

Learn more about this project and how you can support it to ensure the protection of this beautiful forest.

If you have questions about any of the projects listed or are considering a major gift, please reach out to Oriona Rendon, Donor Relations Coordinator, at 705-743-5599, ext. 8, or [email protected]. Thank you for protecting the land you love!

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