By: Lexi Armstrong and Veronica Price-Jones, Canadian Conservation Corps interns
Stories from the Field are featured stories, tips, and experiences from KLT’s stewardship team. Canadian Conservation Corps interns, with KLT, Lexi and Veronica share their experiences with invasive species management on KLT properties.
Control of invasive species on KLT properties has become essential work. This work helps to minimize negative impacts on the environment. The impacts include loss of tallgrass prairie ecosystems and native plants from increased competition. There are many types of invasive species that can be found on KLT properties. These include Buckthorn, Dog-strangling Vine, Garlic Mustard, periwinkle, and Scots Pine. Participating in this ongoing management has been meaningful for Lexi and Veronica for many reasons.
Veronica has found hands-on management to be enriching. Her background with invasive species focused on analytical perspectives provided in academic papers. By participating in invasive species management fieldwork her identification skills have improved. She continues to gain momentum towards identifying invasive plants. This has helped in ID skills for a wide variety of other species found on KLT properties as well.
She’s been especially enjoying taking long walks with her camera. She photographs different invertebrates, both native and non-native, to learn to identify them and share their beauty.
Lexi has enjoyed participating in the active management of invasive species on KLT properties. It has grown her knowledge of local plant species. It has also allowed her to develop the ability to safely use chainsaws when controlling Buckthorn and Scots Pine. Safe chainsaw use is an important skill in conservation work. Lexi looks forward to putting it into action in the future when performing other land stewardship activities.
Beyond these practical skills, the opportunity for Lexi and Veronica to participate in KLT management projects has helped them expand their knowledge of restoration. It has also grown their appreciation of the diversity of habitats found in this region of Ontario. They can’t wait to see what comes next over the remainder of their time with KLT!