Photo: Land donors Scott Wootton and Catherine Kirk
One day after announcing the new “Pine Ridge” protected property in the City of Kawartha Lakes, Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) has announced another newly conserved property. Scott Wootton and Catherine Kirk have gifted a 34 acre property containing a portion of a Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW).
The land is located between Hwy 28 and Coon Lake Rd. It had been identified the Kawarthas Naturally Connected Collaborative using the best available conservation science as an important piece of our natural landscape. Approximately half is mixed forest providing an important buffer to the PSW.
“Cath and I have lived in the Burleigh area long enough to see firsthand, many species of animals that call the Fraser wetland area home. Some of which are endangered which speaks to the importance of helping preserve this sensitive environment,” said Scott Wootton, owner of Kawartha Lakes Constructions and land donor.
“It is our hope that the list of endangered species is reduced rather than increased in time and that is the underlying motivation for this gift,” continued Wootton.

KLT ownership of this property ensures permanent protection of a link in a natural corridor between Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park and the Fraser Wetland Complex.
“The forest around the wetland is really the icing on the cake,” says Thom Unrau, KLT Stewardship Manager. “Wetlands receive more policy protection than forests in our county. This wetland complex is already dissected by Hwy. 28, clearing the forest next to it would be another blow to its integrity.”
The forest is also a part of a provincial deer yard, and provides critical habitat for a number of species at risk.

KLT has a goal to ensure public access when it is compatible with the long term protection goals of these sites and features, and correspond with the wishes of the land donor. The Wootton property is not open for public access, to discover KLT properties with trails for you to explore visit
Kawartha Land Trust is the only non-government charitable organization committed to protecting land in the Kawarthas, as of today KLT protects 16 properties covering more than 3,433 acres of diverse and significant land.
Posted December 18, 2018