The van Nostrand property is located 15 km southeast of Peterborough. It is located on the shoreline of Rice Lake at the mouth of the Indian River. The Indian River is one of the three major river systems in the Otonabee Region watershed. The property was donated to Kawartha Land Trust by John van Nostrand in 2020.
The 103-acre property lies within the Kawarthas Naturally Connected (KNC) Preferred Scenario. The KNC Preferred Scenario is a tool using the best available conservation science. It assists with identifying ecologically significant land in our natural landscape.

The majority of this property is a coastal wetland dominated by cattail marsh that hosts a diversity of species.
The property is a mixture of different types of wetland. These habitats show minor disturbances and are in good condition.
The property lies within a Provincially Significant Wetland. It falls within the provincially significant Indian River Mouth wetland and partially within the regionally significant Indian River Marsh Life Science Area of Natural and Scientific Interest. It contains more than 2650m of shoreline along Rice Lake and the Indian River.

There are small open areas in the marsh and many vegetation channels. The extensive cattail marsh is a refuge for many wildlife species. Numerous Midland Painted Turtles have been observed basking on logs and vegetative hummocks. Based on their calling behaviour, Green Frogs and Bullfrogs have been documented breeding on the property.
This property is an important corridor of connectivity along the shoreline of Rice Lake and the Indian River. By linking together the fragmented natural areas near it, the van Nostrand property contributes to the conservation and connectivity of habitats in and around its boundaries.
The property borders the river mouth from the Indian River into Rice Lake. This opens it up to the increased boat and recreational watercraft disturbance.

KLT is working with the land donor on the long-term protection goals for this site. This work will also involve consultations with First Nations.
Posted February 2, 2021.