Kidd Farm


Established 2022


Protected Acres


Kidd Family

Open to public:



Conservation Easement

Interesting Features:

Bruce Kidd and his family have lived and worked on their Douro farm for decades, and Bruce felt strongly about ensuring that his farmland would remain in production in the future and that the natural features of the property would remain intact. Through a Conservation Easement Agreement, Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) was able to ensure the protection of both.

The Kidd Farm, with its beautiful hills and vistas, includes agricultural land, wetland, forested areas, and meadows that teem with wildlife like Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Great Crested Flycatchers, Porcupines, Muskrats, and many others.

The farm’s hayfield is a pollinator paradise that features Oxeye Daisy, Yarrow, Canada Goldenrod, and other blooms.

The forested sections of the property brim with native species from the ground cover to the canopy. Two species at risk were observed during KLT’s visits: Eastern Wood-Pewees were heard and several healthy stands of Black Ash trees were found.

The Eastern Wood-Pewee is an interior forest bird whose populations have declined by 68% since 1970. They are considered a species of “Special Concern” in Ontario. Black Ash were recently classified as “Endangered” in Ontario due to infestations of Emerald Ash Borer.

Learn more about the Kidd Farm CEA in our December 2022 announcement.

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