Introducing New Trustees and Board of Directors

From Left to Right:
Back: Thom Unrau, Bill Morris, Don Gillespie, Evan Thomas, Blair Mackenzie, Ralph McKim, Ben Samann, Eric Howe, Tony Tilly, John McWilliams, David Young, Mike Hendren
Middle: Kate Ramsay, Cheryl Lewis, Eva Kennedy, Alice Sharpe, Linda Whetung, Keith Knott, Don Ross, Tara King, Anna Lee
Front: Jessica Rogers, John Desbiens

Introducing New Trustees and Board of Directors

Following our Annual General Meeting Thursday, June 14th, 2018,  we would like to introduce some new and some familiar faces elected as Trustees and Board of Directors:


The following have agreed to stand as Trustees of the Kawartha Land Trust for three-year terms beginning June 2018:

Blair Mackenzie (Lakefield, Ontario)

Blair recently retired following a 35-year career as a lawyer, primarily as general counsel in the Canadian newspaper and communications industry. He has a cottage on Stony Lake, and is currently President of the Stony Lake Heritage Foundation. He has had an active record of community service as a volunteer, and is currently Vice-chair of the Peterborough Symphony Orchestra.

Roslyn Moore (Toronto, Ontario)

Roz began her career as a social worker, but later turned to environmental work, including environmental planning, policy, and monitoring. Roz began volunteering with the Kawartha Heritage Conservancy in 2005 and is a past Chair of the Board of Directors.  She has been actively involved in the Kawarthas Naturally-Connected collaborative, and is a founding member of the Environment Council for Clear, Stony and White Lakes.

Evan Thomas (Peterborough, Ontario)

Evan worked in the Ontario provincial public service as a field biologist and manager, and is now an environmental consultant. He has been involved with KLT as a volunteer since 2012 and has participated in a variety of ways including as lead steward of the Ingleton-Wells property, member and Chair of the Land Stewardship Committee, member of the Boyd Island Stewardship Committee and the Volunteer Working Group, providing assistance with the development of the Stony Lake trails, and various community engagement initiatives.

Dr. Tony Tilly (Peterborough, Ontario)

Tony is a founding member of the Kawartha Heritage Conservancy Board of Directors. He has served on other local Boards (Peterborough and the Kawarthas Innovation Cluster, Greater Peterborough Community Foundation) and campaigns (United Way Campaign Cabinet). He will be retiring from his most recent position as President, Fleming College at the end of June.

Linda Whetung (Curve Lake, Ontario)

Linda is a Peterborough-based lawyer who has been an active supporter of KLT since 2012.  At various times she has served as the Trust’s lawyer, landlord, and as a volunteer Chair of the Development Committee. She has been involved in reviewing and revising easement agreements, re-organizing KLT’s corporate structure and assisting in the transition to compliance with the Canada Not-for-Profit Act.  Linda was closely involved in the Boyd Island securement project, and is currently assisting the KLT Land Securement Committee.

New Trustee and Board of Director:

Eric Howe (Indian River)

Eric has an educational background in economics/commerce and has worked as a senior executive for a number of manufacturing businesses including most recently Fisher Gauge, NEFAB and Nobelgen. He has been involved with KLT as a volunteer for the past two years, including participating in stewardship activities on several properties and attending the 2017 retreat. He has served on a number of Boards, including the Peterborough-Hastings Trans Canada Trail Association Board.

Re-elected Board of Directors:

Don Gillespie (Young’s Point) June 2018 to June 2019

Don is a retired financial executive with over 25 years as an Assurance Partner with Ernst & Young. He has a B. Comm. from the University of Toronto, a CPA from the Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario, and has a Chartered Director (C. Dir.) designation from the Directors College. He is currently serving as Vice-Chair of the Board of the Peterborough Regional Health Centre. He has served on the KLT Board of Directors since January 2016 and is currently Treasurer, and Chair of the KLT Finance and Audit Committee.

Eva Kennedy (Bridgenorth) June 2018 to June 2021

Eva Kennedy joined the KLT Board after retiring from a career with the Ontario Public Service. She holds a B. Sc. in Biology from McGill University and a M. Sc. in Zoology from the University of Western Ontario. In her work for the Ministries of Environment and Natural Resources and Forestry, Eva held leadership positions in environmental policy, science and information management. She has been an active community volunteer and served on the Board of Directors of the Peterborough Social Planning Council. Eva is currently Chair of the KLT Development Committee.

John McWilliams, QC (Calgary) June 2018 to June 2021

John was born and raised in Peterborough and Lakefield and spends his summers on Stoney Lake. He is a graduate of the University of Ottawa (BA) and Queen’s Law School.

He was a senior executive in the international energy business for over 30 years. He has played a leadership role in governance, ethics and corporate responsibility, including the development of The International Code of Ethics (including environmental principles) for Canadian Business. Among other activities, John is Chair of the International Conservation Fund of Canada and a Director and Trustee of Lakefield College School. John has served on the KLT Board of Directors since October 2015 and is Vice Chair of the Board and a member of the Finance and Audit Committee and the Nominating Committee.

Departing Board of Directors:

Rick Kemp, Lori Rogers & Ben Sämann

Posted June 19, 2018.

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