Cation Wildlife Preserve Celebration and Trails Grand Opening

Pictured: Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock MP Jamie Schmale, KLT Development Manager Tara King, Land Donor Sharon Cation, KLT Executive Director John Kintare, Land Donor David Cation, Peterborough-Kawartha MP Maryam Monsef

Cation Wildlife Preserve Celebration and Trails Grand Opening

On Saturday, June 22nd approximately 70 people gathered to celebrate one of KLT’s newest protected properties, the Cation Wildlife Preserve!

The event began with brief opening remarks from KLT’s Executive Director John Kintare,  Peterborough-Kawartha MP Maryam Monsef, Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock MP Jamie Schmale, land donors David & Sharon Cation and KLT’s Development Manager Tara King.

Following the remarks, guests were invited to participate in guided walks with  KLT’s Land Stewardship Manager Thom Unrau and KLT’s Community Conservation & Stewardship Technician Patricia Wilson to discover the new trails and learn about the features which make this property special!

Land Donor David Cation with a group on the guided walking tour of the new trails

KLT’s Development Manager Tara King and Peterborough-Kawartha MP Maryam Monsef

The Cation Wildlife Preserve is filled with rolling areas that used to be pasture grasslands, meadow thickets, early successional and mixed hardwood forests and a swamp that is part of a large (183 acre) Provincially Significant Wetland.

In the past this property was heavily logged, which reduced the forests and opened up the landscape.  The open fields were then used as a range, with cattle grazing here for many years. The land was eventually sold to a recreational hunter before donated to KLT by David and Sharon Cation. With the landscape regenerating, it feels as though the property has come full circle.  This land now serves as a beautiful example of how resilient nature can be and how fast it recovers when left untouched.

Lead Property Steward Guy Wagner and Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock MP Jamie Schmale pose at the opening of the trails.

‘Conservation Hero’ and KLT Board of Directors Chair John Desbiens


We’d like to say thank you to everyone who came out to this event! By coming out and showing your support you helped us thank land donors David and Sharon Cation along with volunteers, donors and supporters for making the protection of this property possible!

It was a pleasure to celebrate and share this newly protected property. The Cation Wildlife Preserve Trails provide a glimpse into how beautiful and diverse this property truly is. Read more about the Cation Wildlife Preserve and its extensive history here!

‘Conservation Heroes’ & KLT staff members Tara King, Camille Cooper, Patricia Wilson and Rachel Rutherford

The Cation Wildlife Preserve Trails are now open to the public for recreational use!

Download the Trails Map here!

Posted June 26, 2019.

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