A New Property Protected in the Clear Lake Corridor – Ayotte’s Point Woods

A New Property Protected in the Clear Lake Corridor – Ayotte’s Point Woods

Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) is very pleased to announce another newly protected property: Ayotte’s Point Woods. Jane and Peter Darling and family have generously donated their 77-acre property located just north of Young’s Point, Ontario, on the west side of Clear Lake, to ensure it remains a protected land in the Clear Lake corridor.

On Saturday, May 11th, neighbours, friends and family gathered on the property in celebration of this newly protected property and to give our thanks to the Darling family.

“When you walk through a setting such as this, the quietness, the feeling of the sun and the warmth, the touch of the earth on your feet; that is heaven and that is what we live to enjoy,” said Keith Knott, former Chief of Curve Lake First Nation and Kawartha Land Trust Trustee.

“It feels very heartwarming and rewarding that the Darling’s took that step to acknowledge the beauty that we are in and gave that trust to KLT to look after it for them so that others can enjoy what we have here today,” continued Knott.

The property includes upland and lowland cedar forest, beautifully managed oak stands and some seasonally flooded areas full of wildlife. Conservation of this property ensures that the flora and fauna that live in our area will have a secure habitat for years to come.

Because the property is zoned “rural,” had it not been protected, it could have been developed with at least one dwelling, the forest could have been cut down, and/or a variety of other activities that would have damaged its natural character could have occurred. Now, we hope you share comfort in knowing that the land will remain the beautiful protected area it is today.

Mary Smith, Mayor of Selwyn Township, brought greetings on behalf on the municipality saying, “It is important for us to take care of the land, the water and the air and all of the plants and animals on that land. Kawartha Land Trust has taken that to heart with all the people here today who know how important that commitment is.”

Ayotte’s Point Woods Interesting Features:

  • Part of a series of protected lands in the Clear Lake corridor.
  • Opportunity for expansion and trail development.
  • Significant managed forest area including: nature trails with mixed wood species, strong habitat for forest birds and creatures.
  • Minimal invasive species and initial stewardship requirements.

“We were delighted to work with the Kawartha Land Trust to see the land we love protected in perpetuity and know there will always be a safe haven for the many birds and deer that enjoy the forests on the property, now known as Ayotte’s Point Woods,” said Jane Darling.

KLT is also working with many other landowners in the Kawarthas, including the Stony-Clear-White Lakes areas who are interested in protecting additional lands for conservation.

We hope you enjoy this series of videos and photos from the celebration!

Ham Keillor-Faulkner, KLT Securement Committee shared important information about what makes this property special and what’s next for the property:

Peter and Jane Darling

Darling Family (Peter, Jane, Liz Darling Thompson, Dave Thompson, dog Lucy, Linton Carter and James Darling and dog, Aussie!)

Peter and Jane Darling with Mike Hendren, KLT Executive Director, Eva Kennedy, KLT Board of Directors, John Platt, KLT Development Committee, Mayor Mary Smith, Former Chief & KLT Trustee Keith Knott)

Trillium in full bloom

Mike Hendren and Chief Keith Knotts welcome guests to property

Travelers encounter big rock on the trails

Ham Keillor- Faulkner leads a guided tour through the forest

Thom Unrau points out birds within the trees

Lawrie Keillor-Faulkner enjoying the trails

Ayotte’s Point Woods

Amazing sight of tree growing over creek

Mossy rocks at Ayotte’s Point Woods

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