Federal Funding Will Help Double Our Protected Properties Within the Next 5 Years

Federal Funding Will Help Double Our Protected Properties Within the Next 5 Years

“The Federal government’s funding announcement of $500 million towards a $1-billion Nature Fund has come at the perfect time to ensure a vibrant future for the landscape in the Kawarthas,” says Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) executive director, Mike Hendren.

This commitment to protect nature across Canada, is in line with recommendations made last fall by the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Kawartha Land Trust, Canadian Land Trust Alliance and other members of the Green Budget Coalition.

As one of Canada’s leading regional land trusts, KLT was chosen to be part of a select group representing the sector to show the federal cabinet that a renewed and enhanced federal investment in conservation is needed to achieve the ‘Canada Target 1’ (Aichi Target 11) where 17% of our terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems will be permanently protected by 2020.

As KLT plans to double their number of protect properties by securing a dozen new sites over the next five years, they expect these new matching funds will help them achieve this goal and contribute to achieving Canada Target 1.

John Desbiens, Chair of KLT Board of Directors stated: “These new funds are perfectly suited to support existing conservation activities in regions like the Kawarthas. KLT is positioned to take immediate action in support of the federal mandate that these financial resources are meant to achieve. We trust this funding will enhance the protection of biodiversity and public access to the shared natural environment of the Kawarthas.”

Peterborough and the Kawarthas is home to many key areas for biodiversity, such as the Oak Ridges Moraine, through the Limestone Plain and into the Canadian Shield. Conservation in this region will ensure the species that live here will have a secure habitat for years to come.

Just last week KLT announced one new protected property and they have several others nearing final commitment.

Kawartha Land Trust now protects 13 properties comprising 3,217 acres of diverse and significant landscapes with a donated land value of $6.9 Million.

Posted May 18, 2018.

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