Roscarrock CEA

Selwyn Township

Established 2023


Protected Acres


Kate Ramsay

Open to public:



Conservation Easement Agreement

Interesting Features:

Roscarrock Conservation Easement was protected through a Conservation Easement Agreement (CEA) established between landowner Kate Ramsay and Kawartha Land Trust (KLT). At 93 acres, the property protects forest, fields, meadow, and natural shoreline along Moore Lake.

This property, located in Selwyn Township, supports habitat for at least four species at risk, including Eastern Meadowlark, Bobolink, Eastern Wood-Pewee, and Black Ash.

Roscarrock’s field and meadow provide important habitat for pollinators. Bees and other nectar-feeding insects require a diversity of plants that bloom from spring to fall to survive.

In the spring, Wild Strawberry can be found flowering, while in summer Hoary Vervain, Black-eyed Susan, and Canada Goldenrod steal the show. Come fall, asters provide additional feeding opportunities.

While KLT staff were on the property conducting a species inventory, Silvery Blue and Common Ringlet butterflies were seen and a variety of moths. An American Goldfinch and Calico Pennant Dragonfly were spotted in the meadow.

Within the mixed forest on the property, Eastern White Cedar, White Birch, and American Elm are the dominant species found. Black Ash, an Endangered tree in Ontario, was also found on the property. Other species spotted in the forest include Sugar Maple, Ironwood, and Balsam Fir.

The natural shoreline features Black Spruce, Sphagnum Moss, bog cranberries, and Labrador Tea.

Ramsay shares that “a walk to the back” of the property takes you to a place where you can lean on a Tamarack and imagine yourself in a much more remote place.

“There might be a pair of Trumpeter Swans, or a Fisher, or in winter deer and coyotes crossing the frozen lake. On the way, there are some magnificent hardwood specimens, including tall cedars, a grove of maples, Basswood and Hemlock, and all that thrives in those environments – micro to macro.”

This property was secured with support from Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Habitat Stewardship Program (HSP).

The Government of Canada established the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk in 2000 as part of Canada’s national strategy for the protection of species at risk. Environment and Climate Change Canada administers Habitat Stewardship Program funds for terrestrial stewardship projects that contribute directly to the recovery objectives and population goals of species at risk listed on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act and that prevent others from becoming a conservation concern.

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