Dance Nature Sanctuary

Lakefield, Selwyn

Established 2006


Protected Acres


Dr. Alice Sharpe

Open to public:




Interesting Features:

This property was generously donated to Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) in 2006 by Dr. Alice Sharpe. It anchors KLT’s Moore Lake Focus Area.

Dance Nature Sanctuary includes a portion of the provincially significant Moore Lake Wetland Complex, and Lakefield Crevasse Fillings, an Earth Science Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI).

The Fillings are part of the Lake Wisconsinan glacial deposit which also created the Dummer Moraine, immediately to the south.

A wide variety of plants grow on this property and its wildlife habitat, including fields, forests, marshes and swamps, are home to many different animal species, including White-tailed Deer, Wild Turkey, Fisher, Beaver, Porcupine, Red Squirrel, Evening Grosbeak, and many more.

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