Ayotte's Point Woods (Darling)

North of Youngs Point & West of Clear Lake

Established 2017


Protected Acres


Jane & Peter Darling & Family

Open to public:




Interesting Features:

The Darlings donated the Ayotte’s Point Woods to Kawartha Land Trust in 2017 through Environment & Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Ecological Gifts Program.

The area is situated in the Crooked Tree Brook watershed and contains a variety of wetlands including seasonally and permanently flooded areas.

This property includes upland and lowland Cedar forest, beautifully managed Oak stands, and some seasonally flooded areas full of wildlife.

Butternut trees, a threatened species, grow in some parts of the woods. Conservation of this property will ensure that the flora and fauna that live in the area will have a secure habitat for years to come.

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