DeNure CEA

Balsam Lake, Kawartha Lakes

Established 2022


Protected Acres


Steven & Ali DeNure

Open to public:



Conservation Easement Agreement

Interesting Features:

On the edge of Balsam Lake in Kawartha Lakes, the DeNure Easement is well-situated to protect the land’s natural shoreline on a busy lake and protect vital wetland habitat.

Most of the property is part of the Corben Creek Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) and has been identified by the Kawarthas Naturally Connected Preferred Scenario as ecologically significant land.

The mixed swamp on the property, which accounts for the vast majority of the land, contains Eastern White Cedar, Balsam Fir, Aspen, and Black Ash, an endangered species.

Below the trees, a thick layer of moss carpets the ground. Moisture-loving plants are abundant, including Marsh Marigold, Swamp Milkweed, Marsh Skullcap, and carnivorous plants like Common Sundew and Bladderwort.

This vital ecosystem not only contributes to flood mitigation during heavy rains and contributes to the area’s carbon sequestration abilities, but it also provides critical nesting, feeding, and sheltering habitats for aquatic birds like herons, ducks, terns, and rails.

The open marsh on the DeNure CEA provides swimming and diving habitat, dense cattail cover, and a variety of food and prey sources. During KLT’s visits, a number of species were observed, including Great Egret, Mallard, Great Blue Heron, and Red-winged Blackbird. Midland Painted Turtles, now listed federally as a species of Special Concern, and a number of frogs were also seen.

The forested areas adjacent the wetlands and shoreline provide salamander and frog overwintering habitat, and, in spring, are home to a flourishing understory that features ephemerals, including Trilliums, Blue Cohosh, and Early Meadow-rue.

This property has been secured with the support of the Government of Ontario through the Greenlands Conservation Partnership, which helps conserve ecologically important natural areas and protect wetlands, grasslands and forests that help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Through the Greenlands Conservation Partnership, a total of $50 million will be invested over four years, including $20 million from the Ontario government, and another $30 million from other sources, such as individual donations and foundation support through the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and the Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA), and other levels of government.

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