Schipper Gamiing Nature Centre

Pigeon Lake Road, Lindsay

Established 2017


Protected Acres


Mieke Schipper & Family

Open to public:



Conservation Easement

Interesting Features:

Mieke Schipper and family formed a Conservation Easement Agreement with the KLT in 2017 to protect the land they love in perpetuity! This property is very special to owner Mieke Schipper, who has committed years of hard work to the conservation of this property. She has called this place home for the past 32 years.

On the shores of Pigeon Lake, this parcel of land is right on the shore of Pigeon Lake close to the town of Bobcaygeon, a name that comes from the Ojibwa word for “near the shore”. The property includes 1200 feet of undeveloped shoreline on the lake.

The province of Ontario has designated the area as an Area of Natural and Scienctific Interest as well as a Provincially Significant Wetland. Several species at risk, including the Least Bittern and the Blanding’s Turtle, are living throughout the 30 acres of wetland on the Schipper property.

Occupying the property as well is the Gamiing Nature Centre, founded by Mieke Schipper, which focuses on educating the public about nature, conservation, and culture. There are 7 km of trails that wind across the area which are used to host some of the Centre’s events, but are also open for the public to stop by and enjoy!

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