Pipers' Woods

Location not shared at request of the donors

Established 2022


Protected Acres


Two anonymous donors

Open to public:




Interesting Features:

This mature 61-acre woodlot, which is situated on limestone bedrock, is part of a connected, extensive forested area. On shallow soil, older trees and an abundance of wildflowers, such as the ones seen on this property, take decades to establish.

Because of the donors’ long-time interest in land stewardship and sustainable forestry, the property contains a wide diversity of flora and fauna. The upland deciduous forest features Sugar Maple, Red Oak and White Oak trees, while the coniferous swamp hosts Eastern White Cedar, White Spruce, Balsam Fir, and White Pine. It is also home to several species at risk, including the Butternut Tree, Eastern Wood-Pewee and Wood Thrush.

The donors gifted the property to Kawartha Land Trust to ensure the forest and wildlife would not be disturbed by future development.

At the request of the donors, Pipers’ Woods will not be open to public access and its location will not be disclosed in order to ensure the preservation of its sensitive habitats.

This property has been secured with the support of the Government of Ontario through the Greenlands Conservation Partnership, which helps conserve ecologically important natural areas and protect wetlands, grasslands and forests that help mitigate the effects of climate change. Through the Greenlands Conservation Partnership, a total of $50 million will be invested over four years, including $20 million from the Ontario government, and another $30 million from other sources, such as individual donations and foundation support through the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and the Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA), and other levels of government.

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