Jones Woodlot

Mitchell Creek

Established 2021


Protected Acres


Clifford & Ruth Jones & Family

Open to public:




Interesting Features:

The Jones Woodlot is a 50-acre property located directly adjacent to the Kawartha Land Trust-protected Fell Wetland. With the protection of this property, KLT has doubled the amount of conserved land in this Provincially Significant Wetland. This land provides critical habitat for numerous species.

To ensure the land is protected and cared for in perpetuity land donor Ross Jones and his sister Marilyn Falls have donated the property on behalf of their parents, Clifford & Ruth Jones, to KLT.

This property has been in the Jones family for generations. Ross Jones’ grandfather, John Jones, bought this land, which they called “The Woodlot” in 1946. It has since been passed down from his parents to Ross.

Significant natural features and habitats present on the property include mixed swamp, Cattail, and Willow marsh. The upland forest is dominated by White Ash, Sugar Maple, and Basswood. The Jones did some cutting on the property early on in 1950 but the property has not been touched since. This has left it to grow freely over the years.

This area now continues to provide habitats and critical land to many species at risk.

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