100% Protection for Big/Boyd/Chiminis island

KLT's Big (Boyd/Chiminis) Island in Pigeon Lake

KLT now protects 100 percent of the largest island in the Kawartha region — and we couldn’t have done it without YOU!

Supporters like you helped KLT say “YES” when Mike Wilson offered to donate most of Big/Boyd/Chiminis Island to KLT in 2015.

YOU helped raise $1 million — a truly remarkable fundraising campaign for KLT— to secure and care for the ecologically significant island in 2015.

At that time, Mike and his family kept ownership of two parcels of land on the island — just in case they wanted to build a cottage there in the future.

YOU were there again last year, along with KLT’s community partners Jo Anne’s Place, to raise even more funds to help secure the last two parcels on the island.

The Wilson family recently donated the last two parcels to KLT! Thanks to their generosity, AND YOUR SUPPORT, KLT now protects the entire island in perpetuity!

The island is home to wetlands, diverse forests, and a wide variety of plant and wildlife species — including one of the most northerly occurrences of Shagbark Hickory, a regionally rare tree. It also has significant cultural value to Curve Lake First Nation.

Thanks to you, this beautiful island will be protected forever — it will always be there for you and your family to enjoy its beauty and trails!

If you’re inspired by the Wilson’s incredible generosity and want to help KLT secure and manage more critical natural lands, make a gift to KLT today!

Posted February 15, 2022

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