Nogies Creek Property

North of Pigeon Lake. Part of the Nogies Creek Watershed

Established 2021


Protected Acres


Kawartha Conservation

Open to public:




Interesting Features:

Kawartha Land Trust’s (KLT) Nogies Creek Property is a 100-acre water-bound property that is located on the eastern edge of Nogies Creek proper, just north of Pigeon Lake.

The property’s proximity to a Provincially Significant Wetland (which it also includes a section of), Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park, Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park, and Crown Land make it an important potential wildlife corridor in the region. The property is also identified by the Kawarthas Naturally Connected Preferred Scenario as being an important piece of our natural landscape.

The protection of this property ensures the continuation of internal forest habitat that is necessary for the survival of many species in the Kawarthas.

Visits to the property revealed dry mixed forests dominated by Oak, Maple, and Hemlock species in the south, mixed forests dominated by Maple, Birch, Ash and Cedar in the central section of the property, and mixed treed and open wetlands in the north. These habitat types provide a mixture of interior forest, edge, and wetland ecosystems that are used by permanent and migratory species.

The Nogies Creek property is home to an abundance of wildlife — from Beavers and Red Squirrels, to Trumpeter Swans and large mammals like White-tailed Deer, Moose, and Black Bears. At-risk species were also noted on the property, including Black Ash, Eastern Wood-Pewee, and Snapping Turtle.

Several dried vernal pools were also located on the property. These temporary pools of water provide potential breeding habitat for amphibians and aquatic insects, as well as habitat for the adult stages of these species.

The donation of this ecologically significant property was a collaboration between conservation organizations in the Kawarthas. As this property no longer fit the mandate of Kawartha Conservation (KC), KC donated the property to KLT to ensure its permanent protection.

Funding from the National Heritage Conservation Program covered the costs of the project, which allowed KLT to accept the donation of land.
The continued protection of this property will ensure its rich biodiversity will be conserved forever.

The Government of Canada’s Natural Heritage Conservation Program (NHCP) is a unique public-private partnership to support new protected and conserved areas by securing private lands and private interests in lands. The program is managed by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). Federal funds invested in the program are matched with contributions raised by NCC and its partners, Ducks Unlimited Canada and the country’s land trust community.

Le Programme de conservation du patrimoine naturel (PCPN) du Gouvernement du Canada est un partenariat public-privé unique destiné à appuyer la création de nouvelles aires protégées et conservées grâce à l’acquisition de terres privées ou de droits sur ces dernières. Le programme est administré par Conservation de la nature Canada (CNC). Les fonds investis par le gouvernement fédéral dans le programme sont bonifiés par des contributions de contrepartie amassées par CNC et ses partenaires, Canards Illimités Canada et la communauté des organismes de conservation du Canada.

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